24 Volt 490Hz High Tone Trumpet Horn
24V 490Hz high tone trumpet horn, 2 pole, 112dB(A). Diaphragm type with moulded black body and red plastic cover. Supplied with mounting strap. 110mm diameter. ECE approved.
12 Volt 410Hz Low Tone Trumpet Horn
12V 410Hz low tone trumpet horn, 2 pole, 112dB(A). Diaphragm type with moulded black body and red plastic cover. Supplied with mounting strap. 110mm diameter. ECE approved.
12 Volt 490Hz High Tone Trumpet Horn
12V 490Hz high tone trumpet horn, 2 pole, 112dB(A). Diaphragm type with moulded black body and red plastic cover. Supplied with mounting strap. 110mm diameter. ECE approved.
12 Volt 335Hz Low Tone Compact Disc Horn
12V 335Hz low tone compact disc horn, 2 pole. 103dB(A). Diaphragm type with painted steel body. Supplied with mounting strap, 71mm diameter. ECE approved.
12 Volt 420Hz High Tone Compact Disc Horn
12V 420Hz high tone compact disc horn, 2 pole. 103dB(A). Diaphragm type with painted steel body. Supplied with mounting strap, 71mm diameter. ECE approved.
24-48 Volt 410Hz High Tone Disc Horn
24V-48V 410 Hz high tone disc horn, electronic, contactless 2 pole. 108dB(A). Diaphragm type with passivated steel body. Supplied with mounting strap. 90mm diameter. CE approved
72 Volt 420Hz High Tone Disc Horn
72V 420Hz high tone disc horn, 2 pole, 112dB(A). Diaphragm type with passivated and painted steel body. Supplied with mounting strap. 91mm diameter. ECE approved.
48 Volt 420Hz High Tone Disc Horn
48V 420Hz high tone disc horn, 2 pole, 112dB(A). Diaphragm type with passivated and painted steel body. Supplied with mounting strap. 91mm diameter. ECE approved.
36 Volt 420Hz High Tone Disc Horn
36V 420Hz high tone disc horn, 2 pole, 112dB(A). Diaphragm type with passivated and painted steel body. Supplied with mounting strap. 91mm diameter. ECE approved.
24 Volt 335Hz Low Tone Disc Horn
24V 335Hz low tone disc horn, 2 pole, 112dB(A). Diaphragm type with passivated and painted steel body. Supplied with mounting strap. 91mm diameter. ECE approved.
24 Volt 420Hz High Tone Disc Horn
24V 420Hz high tone disc horn, 2 pole, 112dB(A). Diaphragm type with passivated and painted steel body. Supplied with mounting strap. 91mm diameter. ECE approved.
12 Volt 335Hz Low Tone Disc Horn
12V 335Hz low tone disc horn, 2 pole, 112dB(A). Diaphragm type with passivated and painted steel body. Supplied with mounting strap. 91mm diameter. ECE approved.
12 Volt 420Hz High Tone Disc Horn
12V 420Hz high tone disc horn, 2 pole, 112dB(A). Diaphragm type with passivated and painted steel body. Supplied with mounting strap. 91mm diameter. ECE approved.